Our Philosophy
The Master's School athletic program is a vehicle by which the goals and objectives in the school's Statement of Mission and Purpose can be fulfilled. The athletic and physical education departments work together to address the physical developmental needs of students as they attend The Master's School. Our athletic department attempts to create an environment in which student athletes have an opportunity to develop educational and spiritual values. Included are intellectual, spiritual, social, moral, emotional, cultural, vocational, and physical aspects of human development. Building character through sportsmanship includes loyalty, cooperation, team work, and spiritual advancement.
The Master's School athlete should desire to achieve maximum potential as well as excellence in attitude and performance. The goal is to produce maximum efficiency on a consistent basis in athletic performance and Christian testimony (I Thessalonians 5:23).
Physical fitness, whether in competition or leisure, promotes mental preparedness, emotional stability, and spiritual strength. Competition at the interscholastic level offers opportunity to display Christian character under different, and sometimes difficult, circumstances. The athletic program is part of the total educational program at The Master's School.